Wednesday 23 March 2011

The plan for my magazine


This is my front page of my magazine or the cover page. This is the plan of what i want my front cover to look like. In my opion i have styled my magazine on mainly NME magazine as i believe that is the biggest magazine that speaks out to the indie fans in the UK. The colour scheme and house style will be mainly red, blue and white (the three colours featured in my masthead). For my main image i want to incorporate like my masthead something bold, to make it stand out from other magazines. I have also decided to include a banner in my design as i think this will make my cover look neater and more professional because all the bands and artists that will be featured in the magazine will be there not scattered around the cover. I have also put the date, issue number and price under the masthead as that is a convention of music magazines.

Double page spread

This is my double page spread plan. For my double page spread i plan on having two quite big images, instead of having just one. For the article i plan on doing an interview style article getting to know a music artist. I plan on asking questions like who would you say your influences are? What has been the best thing in the past year for you? How is the tour going? What are your aspirations for the next few years? I am going to have a background on my double page spread and its going to be blue, or a mixture of blues. Unlike a lot of articles in music magazines; I don’t want there to be tonnes of writing I really would like there to be just enough, so it doesn’t draw attention away from the images.

Contents page

This is my contents page. For my contents page I plan on having a small article in the center of the page, with a picture. I plan on using the start of a piece on an artist to entice the reader to reader the rest and ultimately buy the magazine if they’ll flicking through it in a shop. Much like the front page and double page spread it will be a bold image that i use, and the article will hopefully be interesting. The layout for my page is simple, on the left is a index of the whole magazine running from the front to the back, in chronological order. Then to make the magazine more user friendly i plan on categorising the pages into subheading to make them easier to find what you want, the heading will be: News; Reviews; Live and Miscellaneous. I am also going to make it look like a professional magazine by creating a subscription type advertisement banner, with a special offer on it, making the advert more appealing.

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