Wednesday 23 March 2011


After I had finished my questionnaire, I spell checked it and checked that all the questions were okay to ask people. I then printed off fifteen copies, and handed them too various people who were in the common room and asked them to complete them for me. After they had filled them out, I comprised a set of results tables to show my findings.

This table shows the ratio of boys too girls i asked. The ratio in its lowest form is 3:2.
For ‘what makes a good music magazine’ I received a number of good answers for this question.
A few responses too my questions are the quotes that follow on.

‘A simple, yet bold design’ 
‘A magazine that is different, and stands out from the rest of the crowd’ 
‘Features good bands and good music, with reviews which are truthful and nicely written’
 The prices that people said they would pay for a magazine, and is a good price for one is between £2.99 too £4.99. Most people then said this is a good price as it is just enough money that people wont mind spending on a good bit of reading matieral once, twice or even four times a month.

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