Tuesday 29 March 2011

How did you attract/ address your audience?

How did you attract/ address your audience?
To start with my audience is fans of the music genre labelled indie-rock; they are not of a certain age but are mainly male in my opinion. I have tried to address this audience in many different ways for instant my photography was one way i addressed my audience. For example my front cover photo.

This photo is a bold and striking front cover image for my magazine and i believe it addresses my audience because it emphasise the passion this cover star has. Also the boombox shows that this magazine is about music and addresses my audience there as well. Also i have based the image on a photo used in a magazine article about Tempa T a music artist. The photo is seen below

There are definite resemblances in the two pictures, one being the fact they are both holding objects that can be seen as weapons, although their original purpose isn’t that. A second similarity is the look of aggression seen in the two models featured. However i personally feel that i have taken my own spin on the image and addressed my audience more in the process.
Another way in which i have attracted my audience is by the masthead. My masthead has been specifically designed to show the nationality of my audience as my audience will be mainly British due to it being distributed in the United Kingdom. It also is a bold and striking masthead that will hopefully attract my audience and become an iconic image in the indie music scene. My masthead can be seen below

On my front cover i have also tried to attract my reader’s attention by creating a banner on the bottom of the page, enticing them to buy the magazine a win. Not only have i created this to entice my readership into buying my magazine, i have also used a competition that will interest my readers because from my reader profile i can see that my audience like going to festivals, so my competition to win free tickets for them and a friend should work in boosting the number of readers and also attracting my audience! This is the competition banner

So to conclude there are many ways in how i have tried to attract and address my target audience, and in my opinion they have been successful and worked

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