Wednesday 23 March 2011

A deconstruction of my school magazine

This is the banner for my magazine. I think that it works well as the House Style for my magazine is a mixture of light blues and dark blues, with the text staying white or black. For the text itself I made it bold and put it in italics so that it would stand out more and to show that it was a special magazine.
This is the masthead for my magazine and the title of the magazine. When I was coming up with ideas I was looking for a word that would stand out against a lot of other words. To do this I decided to randomly select my title; so what I did was press shuffle on my iPod and pick a word that way. The first song was a track called next hype that is where the name for my name derived from. However i believe that Hype! Is a very good title as it is bold and can connect with my target audience of sixth form students.
My Lead cover shot is a picture of Kane Gibbons turning to the side. I didn’t want my magazine to be a conventional school magazine, so I decided that was front cover will be bold and different. That is why he is turned to the side. I think that the idea was successful and it worked but the graphic wasn’t the best. I can see why most magazines don’t have their front cover graphic model, turned a different way. However although my idea did not fully work I believe that is shows the edgy side that my magazine was aiming for.
These stories are my strap lines that draw the attention of the buyer of the magazine into reading them. I chose the colours as they are my house style and also the white background on blue white background is a contrast to the rest of my magazine style.
For my contents page I chose to use a word art picture, as to contrast from the bold ‘HYPE!’ font. My personal opinion is that it didn’t work as well as I had hoped it would. However, on the plus side though it does keep in with my house style of mainly different shades of blue.

This image is an example of the stories that feature in my contents page. On my magazine they have a transparent background however they don’t come out well as clear on a white background, like this blog because the white text does not come out as well. This works well I feel because the white text stands out on my magazine, I am pleased with this aspect of my magazine.

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