Wednesday 23 March 2011

An example questionaire

After i produced a questionnaire i began distribution of the finished product, i gained a lot of feedback and knowledge from this process. The first filled out questionnaire i received back was this one below, i decided to scan it and upload to my blog as an example.

As you can see from this, the feedback was good and has taught me quite a bit. It was by a girl called 'Charlotte Smith' who fits in the target audience of my readership, as she is a teenage indie music fan. It has given a lot of thoughts on my magazine as i hadn't even thought about the style of writing i was going to use and whether it would be formal or informal. Also the what makes a good magazine answers were helpful as i am now going to concentrate on including these said items. I also was thankful for he answer too what would convince you to buy a magazine because the excellent cover shot is something i was aiming to have in my front cover to make it appealing as a magazine.

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