Monday 11 April 2011

'How does your media product represent particular social groups?'

There are many reasons for how my media product represents the social group of indie music fans, i have shown some of them here below.

One way in which i have represented my social group is by the photography i have used. For instance in my front cover, i have two models and photos used. The first is the cover shot, which is a medium close up of my model, posed in an aggressive manner. I believe this represents my social category because it shows the passion that this model has, and by using a prop of the speaker, you can see that this passion is for music. Another way in which my model represents my social category is that it seems angry at the world, this is a recurring feeling that i believe a lot of my readership will feel, because a lot of them are males, who range from teenagers to late twenties. You can also compare my photography to other shots of artist that fall into the indie genre that my readers will be familiar with and so will instantly recognise that and this in turns represents my social group

I have also used a second model in my front cover who i believe represents my social category; this is the girl in the top left hand corner of my magazine. This is because my second model is a girl, who is representing the female readership of my magazine. Also the way she is dressed is representing the social category my magazine is aimed at, this is because she is wearing a stone roses tee-shirt. The stone roses are an English idie-rock band, formed in the late eighties and working through the nineties, Ian brown is also the frontman. They are a very influential indie band and all of my readers will know who they are. Another way in which my model is representing my social category is by the way she is looking extremely cool by conforming to the indie stereotypical dress sense; with a band tee shirt on, with skinny jeans and accessories. A final way she is showing my social category is the fact she is wearing headphones, this shows my social category as music fans excellently. This is because she is wearing them on her head, as an accessory which symbolises that music and listening to music is important to her. This represents my social category because it represents how they also feel the same way, and shows a link between the model and the readers  


I have also tried to represent, my social category in the colours and colour scheme i have used. This is because my house style is red, blue and red, none of these colours fit into a generic gender stereotype colour, for example pink. So the colours don’t suggest a male or female only magazine, they show a unisex magazine, which is what my social category is. Another way is the way that the colours i have picked are bold and make the magazine look exciting, this i believe works well to promote the magazine and the music in it, which is what the audience reads it for.

So all in all i believe i have addressed my social group and the category of indie music fans. I believe there are elements in all my magazine which addresses them and that they will be happy with if they choose my magazine to read, also for those who are looking through and unsure whether to buy it, i believe the features i have used to address my social category will win them over